Python in Astronomy 2015: Day 1 Tweets

Python in Astronomy 2015 is going on this week and I’m not there (boo, though that did give me time today to release a project of mine). But, lots of participants are kindly tweeting under the hashtag #pyastro15. I was watching the twitter stream when I could during the day and grabbed the tweets that I found most interesting. View the following as a glimpse into my OmniFocus Personal-Tech-Advancement list of things I want to look into and/or things I know now but may forget and want to be able to re-locate easily in the future. And, things I found interesting or important. And, maybe, a few tweets that made me laugh or that otherwise caught my eye. And, no, really, this is only a small sample of the tweets that came out from #pyastro15 today.

Thanks everyone at #pyastro15! Keep up the good tweeting tomorrow.

(The flash intros seem to have been quite a hit, though went so fast that not many people tweeted them.)

(Hey, I still have a soft spot for F77. I did a lot of coding in F77 in the day. And, F90 was a major revelation when I started using it.)

(um, yeah, um. Realizing that not only do I turn a big round number this summer, but this summer I’ll have been in my tenure-track/tenured job longer than I was a grad-student/post-doc combined. I’m middle-something’d by now.)

(I never figured out what this referred to and remain curious…)

(A colleague of mine puts it less elegantly as “You may think you’re having your cake and eating it too, but you’re just getting crumbs all over yourself.” Focus and limiting projects is hard. There are so many exciting things out there to work on.)

(BTW: as a point of personal preference, I’m not on Facebook and not repeating any tweets that refer to it.)

(I’m watching the IRC with gitter; I’ve only been using it for a day so far, so no endorsements from me yet, but it seems good at first look.)

(Not just on stackoverflow, but everywhere, ok? Please? I’ve heard of some awful things recently. Let’s lead by example.)

(how true, how true. Wait, that was me.)

(bad enough I’m jealous of everyone at #pyastro15 because of the content and colleagues in attendance. now food too!??!)

(my request is now submitted)

Also, Pauline Barmby delayed getting a much needed beer to write up a blog post regarding Day 1:

Looking forward to another good day tomorrow! Keep the tweets coming.